We got an e mail saying its still in discussion about whether the Royal Wedding Day in April is to be given as a bank holiday or extra days hol. I think it should be an extra days hol so every working...
I was reading on the net yesterday that Halal butchers are much cheaper than supermarkets or non Halal butchers.
Anyone shop in a Halal butchers?
Would you recommend them?...
We want to change our wash basin which is quite large for a smaller one.We have seen a basin in B&Q without pedestal.My question is will its base fit on my present pedestal,are pedestal tops...
I was wondering how long it would be before little old "Rip-Off Britain" felt the consequences of what has happened over the other side of the world....
Does anyone think that as medicine and the treatment of illness gets more advanced, nature's system of elvolution and natural selection is being impeded? In the animal kingdom only the strongest...
i was looking to get a loan for a car but then thought about a credit card with 18 months interest free on balance transfers, does anyone know if there is a maximum you can borrow on them?, need about...
I'm having a great big spring clean of our filing cabinet. I was wondering how everyone else organises all the letters that come through there door? At the moment I have my files for e.g cars, phone,...
It seems silly that every time the ink runs out in a cartridge refill kit one has to buy another complete kit when all one needs is the ink. I can't find any source on the internet for ink in a...
Can I just run this past others to see what you think: My Aunt died when she was 48 some 22 years ago now. She never knew her Dad as he left her Mum during war times. Her Mum remarried and he adopted...
I'm having problems with my insurance company regarding a RTC i was involved in i was in the middle lane (lane 2) on the motorway and went into the overtaking to go round a car, once i was around the...
My mobile phone rang this morning, it recognised the caller as being one of my friends so I answered it and was having a chat for about 15 Min's. when he told me he was on holiday and was ringing from...
Good evening Boys and Girls I hope everyone is well. I have 2 . . . . yes 2 hotmail addresses . . . one for personal and one for business. I would like to transfer a folder full of emails from the...
I just watched the advert on BBC1..LOL advertising red nose day and frankly it was about as funny as watching toast burn, and come to think of it i can not remember either of these guys doing anything...