Ihave bought a renault scenic 1.5 diesel without a hand book ''''when I insert the card in the ignition card slot .do I need to place my foot on the brake pedal at the same time as I press the start...
1a Harmless outlet for pent-up emotion (6,5) ?A?E?Y, ?A?V? 8a Third person in an eternal triangle (7,4) TE?T?U?, QUID 12a Of buildings simply and cheaply constructed (4) LE?O 21a Water in an...
5 Across, Via, through 2,3,2 ?Y ??Y ??
8 Down, Plants native to Southern Africa cultivated for their tubular fragrant flowers 8, ??E?S?A?
Many Thanks in Advance...
1d A ground-living bird of Australia, New Guinea and adjacent islands (8) M??A????
14a Buttonless upper garment worn especially in West Africa (7) ??sh?ki
Thank you folks...
29a Balloon in a cartoon or comic strip (7) F???T?O 31a System of single holdings of land (7) R???A?E 1d Piece of cutlery with shallow bowl of spoon and prongs of fork (5) SP ORK (is it?) 4d...
Stuck on 3
10a Integer that is an exact divisor -L- QUO- (7) Is it ALIQUOT?
28a Newly invented word or phrase N-O-O-Y (7)
6d Alternative spelling for father of John the Baptist (9)...
Here we go yet again - stuck on two as usual! 19a Obsolete word for a village still found in place names. (6) ?H?R?E (Is it CHARGE?) 25a Thrill of horror or fear (3,7) The S?I?E?S. I thought it was...