good morning quizzers. answers are all animals (sound or spelling) there are no number of letters. would appreciate help with the following. 1 -It would appear Ken is more able, Muriel not so 2 -...
now doing another quiz on body parts, I was in my youth very good at anatomy but am stuck on a few which have time to work on, but this one has really intrigued me, so will offer it out for you all to...
I know we can't ask for answers, but am puzzled about the order of the clues, surely the last question 100, should be about number 95 given that the answers of non animal part has to be alphabetical,...
these are all song titles, be grateful for any help. 11 ----Ocean and seas are this 9 14 French capitals children 5,9 15 Hard music player 5,2 16 Honest Brownies 6,5,4 38 Looks like a hailstorms...
three words, T?? P?????? B???? three words B????? and R???? two words W??? S???? three words T?? T???? B???? two words P????? P??? four words R?????? F?? a W??? be really grateful for any help from...
A popular female singers helper .8 letters Wooden, letter---- 8 letters girls name often seen in cold oceans 12 letters Obtuse on the ocean 8 letters would appreciate some help with these,either...