I am stuck on a couple of these quiz questions they are all something to do with sweets or chocolate past or present. Town in South West Frane (8) A Television Control (8) Doubly good in Paris (7) For...
9) help me if you can ! please and thanks. ------ with the tv advertising campaign for which food product was actress lynda bellingham famously associated ?
5a)Calm down (7)- - - - 7 -
6d) word for word (9) - - t- - - - - y
16a) adjustment, variation(intone) (10) m - - - - - tion
30a)wealthy(7) - p - l - -n -
Thanks in advance ellalee...
Hi, any help with the following would be much appreciated. All answers are countries of the world. e.g Long haired hound - light brown colour would be Afganistan (afgan is tan) 1. A line of ale 2....
William Penn, the founder and mayor of Philadelphia, had two aunts - Hattie and Sophia - who were skilled in the baking arts. One day, "Big Bill" was petitioned by the citizens of his town because the...
Struggling with these last few all answers are animals 11. Alice was one 24. Kind of fashion 38.nice pudding 43. too much business maybe? 46. return if this is broken
Used by French capitalist when facing the wall. [7,2 & 5 letters] ???S??? ?? ?A?O? Not the main names for underwater craft! [9 letters] ?U?T????? Number of competitors at the start of the alleyway. [5...