Great fun all the way through. Required only elementary number-crunching so numerophobes should not be put off. And a very neat and satisfyingly unambiguous ending, so thanks all round to IOA for a...
Can't find an earlier post.
Quite a challenge from Wan with some tricky wordplays and misprints/extra letters. Highlighting not too difficult if you have an idea where to look.
Thanks to Wan...
Some fairly straightforward clues, with a lucky guess at 1d and 27d leading inevitably to 17, made this a quick solve. I was held up for a while by 14d and 24d, but I'm looking forward to a bit of...
Some excellent clueing, especially where extra letters were unambiguously indicated. The end result may never win a prize for elegance, even with the speakers revealed, but the gridfill speeds up very...
A lovely construction, with fairly straightforward clues. I hadn't come across the verse, and have only been able to locate the vital couplet -- if the rest of it is available I hope somebody will...
No one has solved this yet?? It's Friday afternoon in California, so after midnight in the UK. I'm in a strange position. Solved grid. I know the quotation, its source and the corresponding key. No...
All over rather too quickly for my liking, but I enjoyed the join-up-the-dots picture-forming. Clues perhaps a bit easy for this outlet. Anyhow, now plenty of time for tennis and/or sweltering in the...
Excellent puzzle. Totally misinterpreted the first missing item I found, then spent about three hours looking for eight more similar items, before realising I had led myself well up the garden path....
Wow! After staring at the full grid for hours off and on, I finally saw one of the words...then another..and then I was done. Thanks, Elfman, for a first-rate Listener!
Goof fun, with a groan when I saw where the end-game was going. Enough tricky clues to slow the solution process down to a normal Listener pace. Many thanks, Pilcrow....
Grid entry only took half an hour, but then I'm ashamed to say that it took another half hour for the penny to drop. It raised a chuckle, so thank you Towser....
The length of the preamble was a bit off-putting, but taking my courage in both hands and plunging in showed enough fairly straightforward clues to be able to get started. The last step was a bit...
Not nearly as scary as the preamble suggested, and a really nice sequence of PDMs leading to a satisfying final grid. Thanks Ifor, and I hope everyone here (in the UK, at least) has a nice long...
A fairly typical Chalicea puzzle: nice use of theme, clues not too challenging (though I struggled for a while to find the extra letters in some of the mid-range down clues). A very pleasant exercise:...
This has produced a giggle but it was a tough solve until the message appeared and we are going to have to be very careful with our checking of our final grid. What an amusing and original idea. Many...
With Shackleton last week and now this puzzle, the Listener is finally picking up pace after a rather slow start to the year. This puzzle is fun. Straightforward fill and a pleasing endgame. Puzzles...