There are some strange names for places around Aberdeen such as Fattahead, South Flobbets, Lost, Morphie, OldWhat, and Yonder Bognie. There must be other areas of the UK with similar strange names....
do you ever get the feeling sometimes when in conversation about general stuff about other countries/religions etc that you dont know as much as you'd like.... well does anyone know a good book to...
am i the only weirdo that associate colours with days? mondays are blue, tuesdays yellow, wednesdays green, thursdays purple..etc if so what colour are your days?
As to whether or not God existed in the past is open to debate. But is He here now? There is no indication that He is. No messages booming down from the sky, no miracles, no sign whatsoever. Why not?...
We've all been told the old wives tales as kids e.g; if you swallow chewing gum it'll wrap round your heart and kill you, or it'll give you appendicitis! However, is swallowing chewing gum, actually,...
Trying to put a list together of popular street games for kids in the 70's. Got a few
Rounders, Knick Knack, Kick the Can, Relevio,Kerbs .....Any others around to remember? and are they still popular
As a follow-up to my question about Lawrence, does anyone know the Arabic verion of Stephen (Steafan, Steffan, Staffan, Steven, Estevo, etc...)? This is the Greek version of Lawrence (from Latin...