Not necessarily a detective as the prime character, could be the pathologist, the serial killer or anyone involved in a long running crime series. Must be British, though, and I don't mind if they... ...
A posh London restaurant is selling 3D-printed vegan steaks for £29. I would pay considerably... ...
Today's solution contains a letter which shows as grey when it appears in position 4. I have tested this fully by removing NYT from my website data each time I do a test.
needs updating to - The problem with capitalism is that eventually the government has given all your money to their mates. As my mate Phil explains, it is the Labour Party that is prudent with...
You would abolish / send to room 101 if you ruled the world. My top ten would be: 1. Hollyoakes 2. Ready salted crisps 3. All religion 4. Council Tax 5. Chunky heels 6. Exposed midriffs (except in the...
I am , England first and Britain second, English should be on the England passports , Would you want to live anywhere? If the answer is yes, then why don’t you? Only then you relinquish the right to... the Proms - I know there are a few fans of the genre here & since Lynne introduced me to it, I count myself as one, though I'm still (& guess will always be) muddling through... Anyway, if...
Just watched this for the second time - still very enjoyable, great script and beautifully acted. Available on iPlayer if you are looking for a good 'whodunnit' to watch....