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Found down by the river Coquet in Rothbury, police are negotiating with him now!
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but she is pregnant again, she had her little girl 6 months ago and is now pregnant again, what happens with work and mat leave? she didn't mean to get pregnant, someone told her breastfeeding is a...
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what does poke actually mean in facebook language? and if there is any other information you can give me it will be great. thanks
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Hello peeps I'm thinking about re-training, am considering doing the ECDL, then maybe some college courses in Sage. ECDL seems to divide people - some say it's not worth anything, as no employers ask...
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I love my soaps, but is anyone else fed up with Douglas spying on Charlie.Also the Mark Wilder story has gone on far too long.Does anyone else agree or have a different opinion?...
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OK, Mr CRX and i are sorting out the last details of Little CRXs birthday party and have a disareement. pass the parcel - should there be a little prize in every layer or just the big prize in the...
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http://s1027.photobuc...ums/y333/06farrancek/ would you go out with me?...
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Honestly, send them north of the Home Counties and their ignorance of local geography is quick to surface. Their reporters on the Moat hunt are positioned around the village of Rothbury (despite...
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and it has been cut by a pro gardener twice, but why does it look like hay in parts, i threw a load of seed on top today and gave it a good watering, i just want it to get a nice green colour back....
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Just watching a repeat of Wire in the Blood and it made me wonder - who cleans up a victim's house after they have been murdered?
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Im talking about Armpits and you know where. I've always been a firm believer in a good clean *House and garden* Ive used scissors in the past but have recently moved to electric hair trimmers for...
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It's got to be non-greasy, suitable for wearing underneath make up Thanks :)...
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I don't want to go into too much detail but a little is necessary to get accurate answers... Two weeks ago my fiancee and I did what couples do. She has not yet had her period (she is not meant to...
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Tomorrow is my day back at work after days off and even though I like my job, I don`t want to go! Does anyone else feel like that or is it just me?
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and crèche's cant seem to accommodate parents, my crèche have changed their times, so now i have to buy a morning or afternoon session, so i have to either take my child in at 8.30, or...
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does anyone know if the electric will run out overnight as i cant get to a top up shop ?
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If your child comes home from school dirty or in from the garden dirty is it acceptable to call them a dirty arab? (NO i hear you cry out in unison) I always use the term mucky pup but the other day i...
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