with it, am i supposed to take it to work and give to manager? or shall i send hubby to do that, i have been given one for 7 days and then wrist should be improved to work again.
went to a and e on Wednesday last week with a inflammation of my left wrist, senior nurse told me to wear a splint for 2 weeks and stay off work. I do filing and typing for the nhs, and i went to...
and the guy that helped me lay it has got cement all over, not his fault, he did tell me to wash them straight away, and i forgot, now its dry, is there something i can get to make it clean off....
i have really sore skin in between my toes and its painful when i walk, it also smells a bit, it looks like athletes foot, and it has just happened since the hot weather and i have never had smelly...
my son whos 9 got into a fight yesterday with another lad of 10 years of age. Both my son and witnesses say that this boy was picking on my son for some time and then my son 'lost it' with him. He hit...
not watched eastenders in years. caught the very end of it on friday. a black couple were having a domestic it seems, i think the wife was accusing OH of an affair. he said get in the car and i will...
Keyplus of course. You seem to have been absent of late though you seem to posting tonight so a few questions for you (if you dont mind). Supposing that you live in a perfect muslim theocracy how...
just wondered, i seem to notice a lot of suzie1 talk, when im reading some threads, i only log in when i need to ask a question. Is suzie1 that popular?
Wwhat was that all about with Invisable (Vissy) last night?? Bit random and Dot certainly got her character !! Think myself what I remember it was way out of order but how many additional forums...
I have a beautiful daughter of 2. when i 1st but her onto solids she would eat all types of food chicken fish all veg anything really. as she turned one it was time where she started feeding herself...
sex, but no kissing anymore, why does he not kiss me, what could be the reason, apart from chapped lips from time to time.......have been together 8 years and always have and are having mind blowing...