1A. Captain playing well in match (7) ??????m 15A. Brief description of a person and his sailing boat (9 6). No letters to give you on that one as only starting.
Can't believe it. At my very first attempt at a prize crossword for many years I received today, four library classic books.Yipee !!! My thanks must go to my friends Kayakamina and teacher who kindly...
Help please with 3d.
Is the dolphin orca or orcs as orca is not in my Collins except as the Latin
Hope I'm not duplicating but couldn't find this. Must be just me that's stupid!
1-Pre Aztec Mexican Indian T?L?E? 2-Favouring involvement in another state's affairs I?T?R?E?T?O?I?C 3-Degrade ??E???N 4-Muslim leader who is to appear in the last days (5) 5-Hitherto unexpected level...
1. Which quiz are the words 'I'll have a Whitehall 1,2,1,2, heard. 2. which is the odd one out 'Aquarius,Pisces,Sagittarius,Taurus,Gemini. 3. Jack Dempsey,the boxer,gave his name to which of the...
Very interesting !!!! After Aquagility in one fell swoop took 4 points with 2 Hot Shots, all the rest scored either 1 or 2 points with matches with Olive Drab and/or Shock Wave[s] {See what happens...
Any suggestions for how to access cryptic crosswords and brain-exercising puzzles without buying the newspapers would be welcome. My offering is 'Where Was I?' in the Sunday Times, available on the...
This week's chosen link words were as follows: Mother SUPERIOR Sunday SCHOOL PASSION Flower Chocolate ECLAIR What's going on I ask? Where is the beer-swilling, rugby-loving, dart-throwing "man's man"...
I started with a list of 70 acronyms or common sayings and phrases and have managed to find most of them. Can anybody help me with these: BTD,BTD TANPIAS TCOTPATPWTCOT ATAOB ABB AEMHIHC ADULADD...
Not doing too well today ! 8ac US cake-making contests (8) B******S 9 South American palm-like tree (8) T****L*A 11 Proverbial reproach (7) N****** 13 In biology the response to stimulus of flowing...
Last 3! 13a. A snail h?d?a?d?d. 22a. Offices of Indian Magistrates c???h?r?i?s. 2d. An Italian who wished to regain neighbouring Italian-speaking territories i?r?d?n?i??. Thanks for any help.
Still stuck on these Related to chocolate in some way - book, film, slogan or names of chocolate bars etc M, D A C C (5, 5 3 9 6) T P O (3 6 3) V M (9 4)
1d Worrying about South, or distance in another direction. e.s.i.g. I thought ensuing, couldn't think why...perhaps it is easting? 45a Saw 40% off tree by swinging on it. I have "noticed", but why???...
Yet another week has flown by and Saturday is here and we all know what that means !! Another cold, wet night in that wretched shrubbery and this time with some very strange aromas and a lot of...