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who was the only king-emperorto visit delhi in 1911
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Help please 12a wow, totally audible fish (4,8) 3d crooked tailor witholds name when in court (2,5) 13d errol typed anyway, by all accounts (10) 14d comedy hit by harsh criticism (9) ?l?p?t ???
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i need to find the word that links the two words together. Thanks for any help in advance!!! water - pad manchester - nations eye - headed love - box drop - man snow - school what's - sincerely
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Last one........... 17d German dog colour and number (7) - U - D - E - Thanks !!
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Need to finish before holidays ;- wild or garden flowers. No1 Dog rescues Lily Langtry No 2 Sounds very involved. Grateful for any help
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what is the name of this desert
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What has no start no end and no middle? Thanks
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Who wore short shorts? How many ?1,000,000 Bank of England notes are there in existence? Which space mission did 'snoopy' and 'Charlie Brown' belong? Thanks
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clue: order of the garter - two words 4,6 the answer contains a colour
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the pseudonym of marie louise de la ramee,the popular novelist best know for 1867's under two flags
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These clues all relate to plants: 1) Striped or plain - a harbinger of spring 2) A purple lady 3) A country virtue 4) A city vice 5) A bird plus part of a huntsman's equipment 6) Satellite and coin 7)...
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Please can anyone identify the following company or product logos for me..... 1. A white 'fleury' cross (the end of each arm of the cross has a three petal shape on it) inside a solid circle with a...
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Used in manicures. Answer is two words (6,5) and contains a colour
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what links tim healy and billy connolly
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can anyone help 1: **** day oriental (5) 2: land hood tongue (6) 3: ash dew lion (8) 4: float sop weed (4)
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can anyone help please 1: c*ck day oriental (5) 2: corn inner line (6) 3: down silly step(5) 4: glad liner sight (3)
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rocky mountains wind c?i?ook old english battleaxe twi?i?l yeomen of the guard commander e?o? stone building blocks ash?a?s any help appreciated
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study old Thomas coming up in a brisk fashion for music (3,4) c_n _o_o
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Out now! For those new to AB since May the link is I've got 1 and 100 - only 98 to do! Have fun
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Noticed some of your threads over the last few weeks...and in particular that you are relatively new to the site and trying to get accustomed to everyone. Hope you are finding it okay..realise your...

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