Hi, I wronged someone big style...who happens to be Scottish... about five years and the irritating guilt has never left me. As I don't have her address but know that she's from the Aberdeen area...
As work is mindnumbingly boring these days I've decided to clear up in my mind the complexity that is the history of the British Isles. So I ask all you savvy individuals out there in...
Okay because English is the global language one must be able to speak it fluently but the vast majority of Scottish people cannot even say one word in Scots Gaelic? What seems ironic is that even...
When studying in France I remember my lecturer from my home university informing me that 70 something % of students from abroad who studied in France returned claiming...
Okay really simple phrase but causing problems. How do you say "a weak coffee" in French? When you translate it literally into French "un caf? faible" French people look confused and scratch their...
What is the worst accent in the UK? Some believe it to be either the Scouse or the Belfast accent but then others argue that that opinion comes from those straight out of a posh Southern English...