Good morning all - sunny and mild here for all the cyclists tearing around my neck of the woods and for all the keen souls cheering them on - I'm staying well out of the action till it's all over !!...
Good morning everyone - and its a bright sunny one here today and I'm feeling particularly chuffed and you'll all see why shortly. Something happened which has not occurred for quite some little while...
Good morning everyone - cool and a little overcast here but it promises to get a whole lot hotter early next week ...oh JOY !!!! I'll be organising the salads so there'll be no hot kitchen for the...
Good morning everyone - good start to the day here with someone taking out a stogie pole just down the road and the power with it, so I've resorted to the iPad which has its uses ..... Sorry about any...
Good morning everyone - from a very hot and sticky HQ, where yesterday's temperature hit 44+ and today doesn't look much better !! So while my brain's giving some semblance of working, I'll get this...
'tis the night before Christmas...well the Saturday before which is close as we're going to get this year and the giant Christmas Crossword is upon us ... too bad if the tree is not decked or the...
Good morning everyone - a bit on the warm side here today so operations have moved inside and too much more of this will see us bunkering down just to ride out the rough stuff and emerge in Autumn. Ok...
Good morning everyone - we've gone back to Winter today, grey and very windy, though no rain about, darn it !! I guess it's usual for this time of the year but I could do without the humidity ... that...
Good morning everyone - hot and going to be humid if the promised weather turns up ... they say rain, that means horrid to me !! Kate has pulled a swifty for the last round of November, she's gone...
Good morning everyone - cool and calm here today after some dodgy bits and pieces .... thats about all you could call it ... hot humid windy ... general yuck !! OK we're back to the tricky stuff again...
Good morning everyone - much cooler here today, after a real stinker yesterday ...luckily no fires, but were still waiting for a proper cool change to come though. Now what does Kate have in store for...
Good morning everyone - lovely day today, but we really need some rain, so if there's any to spare please send it my way !! Maybe we'll have a better chance with the links today, though there's one of...
Good morning everyone - it's going to be a hottie today and even worse early next week, so early starts and then I can bunker down and put up with it !! Kate has really thrown us a curve ball this...
Good morning everyone - mild and sunny here today, after a fair hint of what we can expect over Summer ... and you all know what I think about that !! Now what does Kate have in store for us today...
Good morning everyone - a typical Public Holiday here today, overcast, windy, threatening thunderstorms and HOT !! Lovely Ozzie Spring weather !! And how did we fare with this weeks matches ....errrr...
Good morning everyone - very warm and a bit windy here, but the Spring Racing has begun and I don't need any excuse to catch up with the neddies !! Profound apologies regarding the typo in the clues -...
Good morning everyone - another glorious Spring day here, what a pity Summer has to come along ....this would be so pleasant to have all the time, but then someone would complain !! Lots of possibles...
Good morning everyone - it's a glorious day here, brilliant sunshine, not too hot, light breeze, and the shark watch helicopter is patrolling the coast .....Summer is on it's way !!! Now what is...
Good morning everyone - we've had a few glorious days here, an early Spring about 24d and the bulbs are out all over the place. Ok last round for August and what do we have to play with - LITTLE RING...
Good morning everyone - it's time to pit your grey cells against the mysteries of the KM links game again, in an effort to conquer the vagaries of Kate and score as many points as you possibly can !!...