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A contest or fight, especially a boxing or wrestling match. B-L-...
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Drug that stimulates the central nervous system. (9) A-A--PT-C
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Large naked-tailed armadillo of tropical South America.(7) TA-O--Y
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Musical time signature indicating two or four minim beats in a bar. Al-a. -r--e...
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primate such as the chimpanzee, orang-utan or gorilla (5,3) G--A-A-E...
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Sans(5) m---e
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A substance that increases the speed of a chemical reaction(10) Thought of accelerator but that's 11 letters....
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Something that is incompatible with what is suitable(11) I-C--G----Y...
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showing more muscular strength (8) B-A----R
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not at work(3,4)O------Y an indian dish of vegetables or chicken in a spiced batter(6) P-K-R- Thanks in advance for any help....
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festive or merry occasion (9) BEA------
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In medicine before the 20th century, a drug used to relieve pain; from the Greek painless(7) -N-D--E Thank you for any help....
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japanese name for a sumo wrestler; literally strong man (7) -i-i--i soft silvery white metallic element that ignites spontaneously with air;used in photo cells(7) ca-s--m Many thanks for any help....
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of nitrogen (6) EI-RI- Thank you for any help....
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Leads new day case. Welsh town with a freshly built harbour. (9) Please,please someone help me solve this. It's driving me potty!!!...
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1. Leads new day case. Welsh town with a freshly built harbour.(9) 2. Dog goes west with a joint. Thanks in advance for any help with these last two!...
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1. Dog goes west with a joint(7) 2.Transport pursued by Dick(10) 3.The balls wander;water in water out?(4,3,5) 4.Leads new day case. Welsh town with a freshly built harbour(9) 5. A crow on the lawn;...
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1. Town named after a young female martyr(7,6) 2. The link between Caithness glass and a candle(4) 3. Blushing daughter-in-law of Naomi(7) There are 50 questions in this quiz and it's got to be one of...
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1. The balls wander;water in water out?(4,3,5) 2.Leads new day case. Welsh town with a freshly built harbour(9) 3. A crow on the lawn; the starting point(8) 4. Dog goes west with a joint (7) 5. Sounds...
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1. Transport pursued by Dick(10) 2. Ships of the desert cross here(9) 3. Dog goes west with a joint(7) 4. Sounds like a window weight underground(11) Thank you for any help in solving these....

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