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Does anyone know the answer to this please 'non-cast personnel on set' Ive got in Y_E_ Thanks
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Rev. Blair's mouthpiece spins a lot, brainwashes - devious Alastair's head must go! 2,7,6,4 S_ / A_B_O_ _ / _A _I _H / _E_ _ If first two are "St. Ambrose" then last letter of last word is E ie S_ /...
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35 across one of songs in 1965 the sound of music 2 2 2 many thanks
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Who is the celebrity born 30 March 1950? ICRLTOROEBAEN??????? ???????? Thanks in advance
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Genus of brown seaweeds used in beauty products (9) (begins with L but I have no other letters) Adherence (8) (ends in E) In position (2,4) _N / _I_U Fertilise plants by visiting their flowers (5-9) _...
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Novelist who's 80% defective? (4) _ _ _ S China boobs at the start, getting intimate (5,3) _O_ _ _/P_L Flesh and blood male dominated by Brenda (5) R_A_ _ Steel's second promise (5) S _ _ _ _ "Yield...
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it reads sounds like you little gary ( 6 letter answer) first time on this site not 2 hot at this :) thanks karl
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i need an anagram worked out, anyone know where i can do it online? thanks
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Pilgrim has not finished with judge one is following (4) _ A _ I ta
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sorry - I said 5,5 for the follwing clue when it should have been 10 OBN candidate gets to be repellant penetrating a dog (10) c_ _ _ s_ _ _ e_ also One who wipes tart (8) s_ _ _ _ _ e _ thanks
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any help would be appreciated. 19. The tertiary ending where the mechanical devices go up. 32. The tale of the home of the Liberty Bell. 52. Homicidal maniac. 57. The doubles get violent at the...
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Means of corporal punishment has our leftie Daves arse-over-tip (6) _T_A_S As one back on Tory front bench, Nick overturns lives (5) B_R_S I've got possibilities for both but can't see why. Any...
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Village and river off the east side of Southampton Water H????e Knighted cricketer who played for Surrey from 1905-1935 ?o??? Malaysian holiday island south-east of Phuket Da?????? Large decorative...
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study hard to get return of these marbles (4) _A_S Ta
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More obtuse than usual - any help on the following greatly appreciated Woman squeezing organ-like appendage - a source of caviare (6) Measures taken by old PM to put on a condom (8) beginning with E...
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What is a spell of mild, damp weather in late autumn called?
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I've got all the answers but not all the famous people who have appeared in Pseuds Corner over the year (note - one is a company name) WILLIAM _ E _ S _ _ _ G A _ G_ L _ _ L _ Y _S _ S _ available...
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Can anyone help with these please ? Nasty knight trapped by minor legal condition . 10 letters. ?a?f?l???? Give more prominence to mao here,distorting dimensions.2-9 letters. ??-??p?a?i?e Twin with...
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what is Pennsylvania 65 000
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I think the perimeter company must be ARGYLL, but not sure....anyone else have this?

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