Back in the day when you only had a cassette tape you pretty much listened to it from start to finish and started again or changed cassette and repeated the process. With the CD it became easier to...
Meeting someone at Heathrow tomorrow from Finland, their mobile number starts +358 so what do I put in to ring him? Do I have to put a '0' in front of it?
Ok so we have heard it a thousand time ,Sun up ,I actually think its the mountains or the horizon which go down .As the world turns it actually turns the horizon down .so the sun dont rise it just...
My challenge channel was always faithfully on channel 46, but it has disappeared, well not quite, I just found it (after a fashion) on 803. I haven't changed any settings on my TV. Anyone know why...
Cooking earlier. Smoke alarm screams at me. No one smoking, nothing under the grill, nothing on the hob. Door open between kitchen and hall (where alarm is). Oven on. Kitchen too small to keep door...