1..drinking in the woodland park (9) 2..ready for an old ploughmans lunch (4,8,6) 3.. big join up (5,5) 4.. Boudica was nearly one of these (7,6) any help please?
Was told that dehumidifier would stop dampness on walls in the the house .Has anyone tried theses or know the best one to get .Was looking at them and was going to by one 16l not sure what this means...
GK brainteaser Sat telegraph 24/1/09 Can anybody help?Aromatic plant of the mint family 28 down I have : ???S?A possibl ?Y?S?A Grateful thanks in advance. Crosspatch
Now that the Prize Crossword and the Sir Lancelot are the same postal address does anyone think it would be acceptable to put both crosswords in the same envelope to cut down on posting costs? I do...
13a Cruiser perhaps-not QE2(3.8.4) 1a Like a lair who's just had a close shave?(4.5) 10a fell very low in price (5.4) 22a Gave warning of education reform(9) many thanks
Secretive thicket dwelling bird generally detectable by its famous dusk song - 11 letters, possiblely ending in 'P' NOT Nightingale N - - - T - N - A - P
34a - Rim I had shortly changed to plant bug? M?R?D Assume that it is mired (Rim + (aph)ID, but don't get why? Any suggestions much appreciated. Thanks
15a copper ran them ragged but achieved cordial relations(13) 17d doubter worried and finally butted in (8) 16d impression that vinegar is off and no good(9) many thanks