Smudge's answer to another post(Tomato Soup and French Bread) made me think. When I was a child and getting over cold or flu, or any illness,my"Recovery Food" was Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup, my...
Just before Christmas, my office manager at work gave me a lot of dog's abuse about my petty mistake-making, till I snapped and said 'Ah well, I'm sorry I'm not perfect'. She then called me...
Hey, my sister has a job at the florist round the cornerbut is giving it up to give herself more time for her A Level coursework. She gets ?25 a day and works saturdays. I have been given the chance...
Does anyone find it sad that Australia donated 40 million dollars to the Tsunami victims in Asia while Canada, one of the richests countries, only donates a lousy two million?
I'm putting this on this one rather than "Jobs" as i feel it's more appropriate. How much do they earn? I know that most are now "mission specialists" ,but how much are the pilots paid? and from whom?...
A while ago I saw a short documentary about customised cars in Japan. People would meet up at a Car Park out of town and show off their customised cars and listened to ( of all things ) Eurobeat...
ive been hearing a lot about the ACLU recently, and i went on the website. its a little confusing and unclear as to what it is exactly. so if anyone can explain it to me, in a sort of..simple way, id...
After watching an episode of Father Ted ( Speed 3 ) it occured to me that you dont see roundabouts in American Films. Am I imagining this ? Do they have roundabouts in the US?
How to survive xmas day with vexacious (sp?) relatives...will have to communicate with them ....anyone care to share any topics that are light and bland and good for the initial couple of...
I am nearly 16 years old and I know that cervical cancer only usually occurs in women of 25 years and above. However I have read in a magazine that some of the things that might cause cervical cancer...
In researching the question about the BBC banning the Beatles (with no success), I found references to Jimmy Nichol replacing Ringo for the Holland / HK / start of Australia tour in...