Anything I say will set off yet another argument about easy and hard Listeners, so I'll leave it at thanking Piccadilly for a brief spell of entertainment....
Great fun all the way through. Required only elementary number-crunching so numerophobes should not be put off. And a very neat and satisfyingly unambiguous ending, so thanks all round to IOA for a...
A fairly easy solve in contrast to the rather complicated preamble. I haven't tried to work out the title yet!
Farewell Ruslan - you will be missed....
Have just taken up my £1 special offer for first month of my Times subscription, and do hope I shall get better value for money in the coming weeks. I regret to say that this is just not up to...
A very straightforward numerical. I was surprised at how few candidates there were for some of the number patterns, giving very clear entry points to the puzzle. Thanks, Hedgehog, for not taking up as...
Full marks, Oyler! Sheer joy to have a numerical Listener with a theme. I never thought I would open the thread for a numerical. This will make our Listener year!
Yippee - great fun!...
Well no one seems to have noticed it was going to be a numerical. And i see that someone by the name of "Zabadak" has already commented on the Crossword Club site in a somewhat Z-Cup winning...
Another great puzzle from the mathematical master ! Solved all the down clues first, then the acrosses. Then it was great fun cutting and glueing little "dice" to get the answer - thanks...
Elementary, indeed. An easily guessed theme as far as resolving the ambiguities is concerned, leading to a very quick grid fill. The most interesting thing about it was checking the statements against...