Fuzzled Films (cryptic clue to a film title) No1 Is this a fruity regular? Teeny Titles (the first set of intials are of a film title, the second set the star) No 30 TFH of TA---------RV No 40...
Authors No 15 N.M.L.I.A.C.C. Anagrams No 14 GRADED DINNER HUBBLE BEAN NUE Pre fixes/Suffixes No 19 Leg, Mouth, Ate Has anybody heard anything about if Authors No 10 is a typo? as can't find anything...
In smudges previous question I replied that what Max was getting was a secret, well Santa Doggies been and what he left for Max would stock a pet shop for a year and what what did he leave me? a...
No 58 ----- But Kelvin has a long bat! (6) No 81 ----- The bird returned covered in detergnt (5) No 87 Insects generally not amenable to spraying--at the start (5)
Can somebody please explain why some recipes specify the types of utensil to be used. What difference does it make if a cake ,for instance, is mixed using a wooden or metal spoon?
I will shortly be getting a new digital aerial and my question is this. I have aerial sockets in several rooms via a booster and splitter, the cables being buried and I would like to know if there is...
Has anybody had the winners & answers to this quiz? I know it said the answers would be available from August but it is now the 23rd & I still haven't had a reply despite sending a large SAE with my...