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Wednesday. It's still as black as a witches hat outside, not a star in sight. No wind, so that's not too bad. No particular plans for the day, other that deliver some local xmas cards, that'll take...
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Hiya, only three more sleeps!! ..... ♥♥♥;index=24...
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Will THE EARTH BE DESTROYED Are you and I paying attention what is going on around us. with the world problems around us . climate change .pestilence terrorism. Man DESTROYING THE PLANET . How many...
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Tuesday. I've got GP appointment this morning. I'm actually looking forward to it, my GP is gorgeous! :o} Just a routine chat. Must remember to take a Christmas card. No doubt I'll be ordered to slow...
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Monday. Haven't been to sleep yet, not for want of trying, just didn't happen. Oh well, a kip on the recliner it is then! Too dark to see what it's like out, but it's been raining. I won't be out long...
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Evening all ..... ♥♥♥;index=6...
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Had a meal in an hotel tonight which we often frequent. I had turkey and ham with the usual veg, brussel sprouts etc. They were so hard that I couldn't even cut into them. Informed the waitress who...
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Sunday. It's dry, but overcast outside at the moment, how long it will stay that way remains to be seen. Probably rain just as I go out. Didn't sleep much last night, so tired, such is life! No idea...
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Saturday. Tranquility is the order of the day. I hope it lasts! not much to do today, I'm happy with that. Some odds and ends to do around the house. I'm sure I'll find something to do. Like decide...
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Happy Friday night everyone ..... ♥♥♥
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I had a ghost for several years. Asked around the village and she was the previous tenant. I know because I found some of her pills behind a radiator and got her name. I'm a cynical old journalist but...
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Just had a look outside. It's wet n' windy. I'm not looking forward to going out! But needs must. Shopping doesn't do itself. Oh well, soon be summer :o} Have a happy day everyone....
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Thursday. It's as black as a witches hat outside. No stars on parade, so wall to wall cloud again. I've got GP's appointment at 1455, with the Gorgeous One. :o} I'll get my flu jab at the same time. I...
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Wednesday. Not looked out yet, so no idea what's what. I could do with going back to bed, but it's not going to happen! Nothing special to do today, so might get some time to do things that need...
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Hello all ..... ♥♥♥;index=5...
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Tuesday. Wet, but calm outside this morning. Some weather coming in though according to yer wee man on the idiot box. I'll believe him! I hope it stays dry for the rest of the day, a lot of running...
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Monday. It's as black as a witches hat outside, not a star in sight. Not good! Still, not a lot of running around to do. Which is just as well, a good night's sleep but still tired. Such is life. Have...
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Sunday. Not looked out yet, but it's cool in here! No idea what's happening today, other than collect the paper and the usual shoplifting. No doubt something will occur. Have a happy day everyone....
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Hi all, Happy Saturday night ..... ♥♥♥

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