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small lump or outgrowth - - - - - e excessively - - - - - y enclose , to have within - - - - - - - small boxes or leather cases used for storing jewellry - - s - e - - places of dwelling , house - - -...
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keeping a vessel at anchor , esp in rough weather r - d - - g
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a bid in bridge to stop other people bidding - - e - - - - loose all hope , lack trust or confidence - - - - a - - rope or halter used to tie an animal to restrict movement - - t - - - baffling...
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funny man c - - - - a citizen army - - - - -i - - - - - - m - bitter scorn , reproachful , distain - - t - - - - e freedom from normal restraints , line on a map showing distance from the equator...
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thoroughfare across the lagan in belfast - - - - - - /- - - - - e
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to ascertain or fix the value or worth on something - - a - - a - e to follow slowly or wearily , fall behind in competition, lag t - - - - a hypnotic or ecstatic state - - - n - -
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numbers indicating the order in which items are classified , such as fourth , fifth , etc - r - u - a - s
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apportioned - - - - - d the outline of an object - - - - -
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E - r - - - - s saleries , monies paid in return for work done - -t - sting of an insect C - M - - - - - SHARED BY MEMBERS OF A GROUP , COMMON TO A GROUP
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large compound leaf of a fern or palm - r - - d injurious plant or animal - - s -
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type of camera used in television in which an optical image is converted into an electric signal E - E - - U - - DEPARTMENT IN A HOSPITAL USED FOR SEEING OUTPATIENTS , PRIVATE HOSPITAL - L - - - T
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2 questions engage in fighting c - - - - - a church or congregation - - - - - s - a
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accumulate esp riches a - - - -
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foundation eg of an idea - - - - s
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a melody forming the basis of variations or other development in musical compositions - - h - -
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a mark or token of shame or disgrace s--s--

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