1a Rolling Stones 1981 hit *T**T *E *P & 17a Symbol or message on a computer screen indicating that input is required *R*M** & 9d Smooth past of sugar and water used in sweets and on cakes *O*D***
Feel a complete dunce today. 10a. German resistance movement group in WW2 opposed to the Nazi regime - H - T - R - S - (white rose?) 14a. Relating to songbirds - S - I - E 16d. Consisting of 2 parts...
I thought this was isotone but that is seven letters cannot find alternative spelling if bel canto is right for 5down help please thank you black sheep
14 down - Unhealthy vapours especially from decaying organic matter M?A??A 23 down - Formal expression of paraise in speech or writing P??EG???C Many thanks in advance.
Have just finalised crossword and linked today's clues, but there appear to be two possible options to one of these. The words are ' white' and ' cabbage', with the two possible links being (1) White...
Thanks for all those who helped with the last two dingbats. This is the last one! It's two words FINAL and LAST. Final is above last and each letter of each word is spaced at least 3 or 4 spaces...
A visiting friend of my teenage daughter appears to have 'stencilled' a pattern / something similar, perhaps some transfer ink dye onto a good set of coloured cotton sheets! Tried all the usual...
16a) Why nonentity is not charged with murder? - - B - - (6 letters) 6d)His excellency involved with a professor in collision - E - E / - - (4 - 2) 8d) Not a particularly friendly sort of rain-cloud -...