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I am thinking of becoming a drug addict. Can some body please give me a list of possible drugs I could become addicted to, also listing the Pros and Cons for each one. Thanx in advance.
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What exactly does dethaw mean ? Is there such a word in the english language ?
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Can someone tell me the best method for getting brown stains out of my white unmentionables ? Thanx in advance.
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Daddy or chips ?
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I remember when, I remember when I lost my mind. Does that make me crazy ?
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My friend thinks that the world is round. Can someone please put him straight. There is a tenner riding on thhis one.
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Please help me. I'm trapped in the Internet. Does anyone have a map, or can someone give me directions to the nearest exit. Thankyou.
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What time is it ?
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Where does this phrase come from ? I know it means "great" "the best". But I've seen my pet dog's B***ocks and they are not that "great"
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Try and find them on Google Earth, coordinates 14.71? S 75.18? W Can't find them ? Nor could I. Could this be the biggest hoax of all time ?

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