GEOGRAPHY OF A WOMAN.... Between 18&22 a woman is like Africa-half discovered,half wild,naturally beautifull with fertile soil. Between 23& 30 a woman is likeAmerica,well developed and open to...
just pulled mine out of the freezer, i thought it was 10lbs, it says it is 5175KGS, what is that in real money and how long should it defrost for? Or should I go read the destructions?
And let us all hope that the animals bought at this time of year will be well cared for and loved for the rest of their lives and not just for Christmas.
i see youre back on your quest to have a go at me. so if youve got the nads. thats gonads. as in testicles./ to talk directly ill invite you to add me , mr in da club , to ur msn. im...
My sons partner has had two friends die this last couple of weeks with cancer. Why are we all so worried about Christmas, presents, food, if the house is clean and tidy what does it really matter if...
Some on here know about my torty cat Cleo...she was diagnosed with a particularly virulent form of feline oral cancer back in October. She had been doing well until about a week ago but the last few...
Is there a shortage on or have shops stopped selling it? Can only find it online at Sainsburys but they don't have it in store? Even tried in Boots but they don't sell it anymore? Can anyone help or...
ok post a stupid picture of yourself at xmas. heers 1 of me in the bar last xmas . i was looking very jolly ho ho ho ho ho 758/DSC00423.jpg
I have a beautiful Siamese cat age 13. She has had a cough for years (possibly due to a heart murmur) She is very vocal and meows all night 'chatting' to us, but tonight I have come home and she...
Quickly help. I have to make 3-4 pavlovas for Xmas day. I dont have tupperware dishes to keep them in. If I make them a few days before how do I store them. Also the whipped cream will make them soggy...
welll legend758 say hi to the dungeon master. i think its the ed in sussies and a white beard. i guess its my turn aint been in the dungeon for about a fortnight. so ill take pastas place. daft old...