When you come into AB Suggestions, you only really come in for a little while dont you? so... why are there people complaining? wouldn't they just come in and then go back out? not stay and listen to...
i have an idea....it happens sometimes!...why dont we all get on with each other, those of you who dont like chatter, dont join in..those that do,have fun! Im sure we can all rub along nicely if we...
Hi Ed, I think you have an imposter on CereScape ! Please confirm if it is your good self keeping us updated, or just some numpty winding us up........ AGAIN !! Thank you in anticipation.Guinnessman
Where is everyone? You should all be off joining the faithful on www.froggers.forumup.com it's a great new chat forum set up because of CB shutting down. I have only just discovered it but had to come...
I seem to be having difficulty in getting my deposit back from the agent who rented a flat to me. i have now been waiting over a month for the deposit to be returned. The landlady who owned the flat...
Hi - please help - i need to get a week off work and the only way to do this is pul a sicky (believe me it's the only way1) I have been told that the best way - and most hard to disprove is a bad...
Hi again. Some may remember a few weeks back that I was having the above fitted. Well eventually I did on the Weds. before Christmas. My period started the Sunday before and I still have it now! This...
Hi Ed, I was under the impression this section was for suggestions on how to improve the AnswerBank and not for idle chatter, ( I thought ChatterBank was created for that) so why Ed do you allow this...
Re: ChatterBank I have had a thought on how this might be able to work better without staying closed for too long. If you limit the number of threads in existence at any one time, then this would help...