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Nasty person, a bad egg 6 letters R?T?E? Any help gratefully accepted. Thank you....
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Talking about people- no mater which. ?n?o?e...
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Last one! Help needed please. How tasty it is to see one supporter. (4) ?l?n. Is it FLAN and if so why? I don’t understand the ‘l’. Thank you in advance...
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If a Scottish nobleman, then a confused one! (5) ??a?e With such teams, in what way is it not the main event? (8) s??e??? Sounds like one is influenced by such material (5) s?e?e. Brag about how many...
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Is that a real bus moving in the country around Minsk? (7). ??l??u?. Such ski hands ! Guess these show what has been missing during the pandemic (4,3,6) ?u??A?d, ?i?s?s. Don't do this with the gravy...
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Last one. Corona Health Authority in the UK ( 4) S?O?...
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Last one! Nothing works? Oh, sorry! (4) O??s. Is it oops?...
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Help needed please. Thank you in advsnce. March around on a butterfly (7) ?????c? What must you do, with no lengthy animal bedding to sketch? That's an unlucky choice to make ! ( 4,3,5,5). No clues...
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With this deck,the sailor gets half a good book. 5 T?R?t. Is it TAROT? If so why ?...
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Emphasise where to find the denominator (9) u?d?r?i?e Is it under ???? Put off when a gent leaves the cleaner (5) d???r Such a change to the route is over the top (5) o?t?e It shows vision to take...
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Just the number for The White house ? Have his run extended thus ! (7,7,)?i?????,????re?...
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This might be the second rug one cadged (9) ??r?????? A fine commercial for an ancestor(7) Some rugby supporters stand up for them , perhaps causing Mel unrest. (9) u?s?e?m?n Joseph Conrad novel that...
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Me again! Thank you for all your help before. I have another one! With such floors mice become giddy and playful. (10) ???L???O?E Thank you in advance....
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A stoner bloke gets around where potters may be seen. (7,5).?n?o?er, table. A strategic foothold for the one in charge of a card game (10). ?r?????e?d. Follow on in Holden suede attire (5) ??s?? Any...
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Piece of furniture that tries hard not to be bare. (7)?????e? Broken hip recently? That's stamp collecting for you! (9) ??i???e?y Study an Evangelist in this country. ( 7) ?????r? That maxim us grand...
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Roadies peel off to find a bright yellow crop. ( 7,4.) O??s??d?a?e
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It can make the air ripe , that's plain.(7) ????r?e
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Ranks of protesters to choose what the extraterrestrial says in the movie. (6,5,) P?c?e? ?i??s Native American whose mount was somewhat unstable ( 5,5). C?a?y H????. An environmentally conscious...
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Worked extremely hard. (8,4,) I have b?a?e?e? a?a? I'm not 100% sure my answers are right so a few changes might be needed! Thank you in advance....
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Any help appreciated. British explorer of Africa (5,4,) M?ng? ..R....

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