26A = Translating Greek outside-that is more like a nerd =??E?I?R.
23A = Girl,during storm,finds old perfume ingredient = G???N?A?E.
Thanks in advance .............patzbitz...
17A = Cinema technique that leaves a particular impression = 2 words 7/6 letters.
9D = Revolutionary plane follows latitude = 2 words 7/7 letters.
Thanks in advance.................
A rumour on social media said that the newspaper preferred text entries for the crossword (against paper entries) - this seems to be confirmned by the lack of space in which to fill in ones name and...
18D = Gets worried about fab form of gossiping = G?B?E??.
19D = as another form left out lacework = T?T?I??.
28A = Insect to test beagle out = two words 4/6....