1A = Dressed journalist following custom........Have letters : H?B???D.....is HABITED a word.?
3D = Wooden articles are about in number......Have letters : ??E?N...
13A - Frenchman brought in to follow language. Have letters: T?M?L...........
TSAMIL fits,but cannot make sense of the clue/
Thanks in advance..PatzBitz...
17D - Converted to gas,but measure is done badly......I have OZONISED,but is there such a word.? Cannot find it anywhere.
Thanks in advance....PatzBitz...
5D - Large ecological community shaped by common patterns of vegetation and climate,for example,that of a forest or tundra : Have letters= B?O?E. 16D - Lack of social or moral standards in an...
13A - Tell red lass about casual attire : I have: ??F?R?A?/DRESS
20A - Marine creature prepared for rite : I have : R???F?R
Thanks in advance.........PatzBitz...
2D - Small rosaceous fruit tree of which the damson is cultivated from: Prunus Domestica Insititia. Have letters : B??L??? 15A - Italian dish of ground maize boiled to creamy consistency in water or...
27A = In Roman legend,a woman whose rape and suicide were the cause of the revolution that overthrew the monarchy : ?U?R?T?A 36A = A tall,aquatic plant with green stalked flowers like imbrella spokes...