36A - The oldest-recorded language of the Iranian branch of the Indo-European family.
I have letters : A ? ? S ? ? N
Thanks in advance ..... PatzBitz...
35A - culinary and medical herb of the mint family;source of an essential oil used in antiseptic mouthwash (thought it was 'clove' but does not fit with 30D - Kashmir) 8D - low intermediate storey of...
Need answers to 2,please = 33A - Of food,prepared with spinach and sometimes a cream sauce 25D = Person involved with or in charge of a particular servoce or occupation: from Hindi via Sanskrit,...
36A - Boulders of silicified sandstone,probably of Tertiary age,found in large numbers in southern England.
I have letters : S--S--S
Thanks in advance - PatzBitz...
!!D - Certificate representing a claim to part of a share of stock.
I have Letters : ? C ? I ?
Is the answer ' SCRIP' ?
Thanks in advance - PatZbitZ...