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5 down please i have put bandit (wrong ) thanks in advance
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father need to wound one thus in a stick up ??i?g huntsman has to use bad language about it thus ?h???e?r in its aliness it plants tree out with new york involved ?n?i?e?y
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thanks paulineward that was quick!!
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32d- garden features, sometimes ornamental ?r??e? hedges 56a- like detailed examination of chemicals a?al???c 48d- a manouevre or tactic ?l?? 3d- slang for a spy m??? Thanx in advance peeps.
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anyone help on 2 and 24 down best selling novel If I get that answer I can maybe get the connecting ones that go with it!!!! thanks in advance hope you haven't all had too many easter eggs!!!!
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Think I must have something wrong, I thought 21 down was Pittsburg, but this conflicts with 26 across which I thought was Kneecap! Can anyone help please - thanks in advance and happy Easter
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Anyone any ideas as to ~ 2 R and C in a S G Many thanks in advance.
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13d houseplant that has large evergreen leaves a_p_d_s_r- thanks in advance, last one
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granny helen
i'm stuck again, grateful for any help; 1. tore up and swallowed. 2. two generations. 3. crazy rails about nothing. following all points.
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Can somebody help out with the following: 34. Down - Goodnight - Is this correct? 46. Across - Stagnight - Is this correct? The 'h' in Stagnight interfers with the 't' in Goodnight.
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Easter duties now done!! Church, visited elderly aunt, did long walk on Friday with hubby, daughters all sorted. A little bit of me time now with the crosswords, no doubt be consulting all you...
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Anyone know the celebrity born 17 April 1972? YWIEEECRANLSE ?????? ??????? Thanks in advance
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HI can you help me with this crytpic clues - they are all about birds? 1)chinese knocking device 2)Bird on a string 3)What a coward does in times of danger 4)Kebab stick thanks
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can any one help please 22a and 43a 28a Thanks in advance
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I'm stuck on one: In south-western USA, a tree-lined public walk or promenade. (Looks like a_a_e_a, though my first a could be wrong if it's not abrade for 8 across. Would appreciate any help. Thanks
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Judy Colley
Can all those people who have already finished help me with 37across and 38 down please.
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I'm down to two questions on this quiz but I'm not really happy with these answers. 1. One for the mathematicians (7) Lottery? 2. A score draw (6-6) Treble Chance? or has anyone any better ideas...
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am stuck on the following clues, mum set about your friends - 5 letters - ??s?s he may be called back to fight - 9 letters - r???e?i?? sign of a takeaway - 5 letters - ??n?? think all the letters i've...
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Have finished crossword but stuck on anagram GMNOANGSIRCHO = TV programme thanks for any help
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any ideas for the following 206 M B in the B 65 A of r for a M 88 K on a P Thanks

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