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What about removing the question closed option for a while? When we then get a tuck your bran flakes into your cowboy boots, we can bombard them with stupid answers and clog their email addresses....
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How about providing some kind of facility which would enable AB users to remove offensive/stupid/repeated/marlboro/branflake questions. The way it would work is this. When the reader goes into the...
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"tuck your hooters into your"
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Just a random thought, but how about AB using the 'rating' system to weed out the users that no-one wants? It could work thus: if a questioner hasn't given an answer a rating of any sort within 24...
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im in need of a loan of about 3000.00 i have dental work that needs to be done but i have really bad credit what can i do?
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how do i get rid of ants for good-for ever?
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Does anyone the best way to clear up sinus headaches without taking the usual over the counter medication, as it leaves me fealing shaky...many thanks... p.s. i have already got a humidifier
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at primary school [too long ago] we had to learn a poem for prize day. Bizarrely I can only remember it was about a boy called John, and the last line was 'His Aunt, His Honour & His sponge!' Any...
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We have just moved into a new house and it seems that the address is blacklisted. How can we find out if this is true.
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We want to heat our cold flat this winter as cheaply as possible. We have storage heaters, but we are at work 9-5 monday-friday and it seems silly to have them on all day every day when we're not in....
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What do you mean by proper earthing?
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ABEd - I realise you need days off ike the rest of us, can't someone "deputise" for you at weekends, when it seems the children all come out to play? Someone like QM or Andy Hughes would be ideal sane...
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anthony summ
tasty tasty very very tasty its very tasty
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what is a bankers draft
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The slugs in my garden seem to lap up the beer traps,party all night on my flower petals, and leave the next morning. What am I doing wrong?
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why is a rare cooked steak called blue
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If i want to sell some of our garden to our neighbour, what is it worth
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There is this new sexy instructor girl working at the gym I just joined. I really really fancy her. My friend thinks she fancies me. I'd like to ask her out on a date but I need to be sure she likes...
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is it bad for hedgehogs to eat cat food and cat biscuits?
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i have confiscated my sons mobile phone because he keeps using premium texts at about ?1-50 a go and I pay the bill !!! Is there any way I can turn these off to make sure he cant use them so he can...

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