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Alt spel for depression where ducts , vessels, etc. enter an organ h.l.s Holes looks obvious but a spanish dictionary says hilas. Please help
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11a Alt. spelling for depression where ducts, vessels etc. enter an organ h?l?s, my mind has gone to sleep,please help, thanks in advance.
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I'm stuck on two can anyone help ? 20A five letters -e--g To make confused,vague or unclear.Is it 'befog'? 27D seven letters -a-a--u Brazilian palm tree with hard edible nuts used in making...
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spanish american ball game -e-o-a. thanx in advance.
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Which 'star' celebrates their 45th birthday on Friday, 19th June, 2009. The name is 5 letters and 7 letters, from the following jumble ;- B N H I J O R O S O S N any ideas ?
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Can anyone help please with last answer 5a / Set for management of English championship side F ? ? ? S T . ( 6 ) Thank you.
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12A) Brunette hugs old character. (4) - - N - 1D) Rosemary avoided centre of Bremen for decades (6) R - S - - -
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5a epic lion hearted - - - o - - 10a n african native - - - y - - 19a bird of prey - - - - - 25a preservation worker - m - a - - - r 26a schedule storer out of order r - s - e - 2d skilled manual...
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1d 7 letters girl smiles awkwardly at adult m_ _ _s_ _ 13d 5 & 5 letters ruined by booze RIP some consolation for being last. 8a 7 letters prudent cops almost arrestr Italian 19a 6 letters plan I...
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Stuck in bottom corner - 29a mythological devourer of children, woman crossed with serpent; 31a Japanese earthenware pottery; 21d Bolivian mountain peak. I have Satsuma and Ill(i)mani, which don't fit...
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Really stuck again - This puzzle got harder this week! 11d - curse - ?r?t 61d - Flowering Shrub - a????a 84d - Tayside Gallery - d?a 90d - Edinburgh Swimmer -(6/4) g?e?o?/e?i? 119d- phyical effort -...
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help please 10a hillary's first broadcast act,shock style 6 ?A?R?O 11a mark again has,er,bent over michael 7 ??G?A?O 22a things afreed:removing tip of penis has an effect 4 ??T? 26a shorts acceped by...
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Has anyone tried anything new for this most irritating of complaints? I find the only cure is sunshine but I seem to be in the office whenever the sun shines!!
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Can anyone help, One sporting venue on the beach? 7 letters ?g?o??? Many thanks to anyone who can help
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Why is it when you copy a CD at home on to CD-R or CD-RW disks, why wont the copied disks play on all players??? When I put them into my car stereo it comes up "no disk" and others it plays fine??
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22a Disagreement - 23 doesn't want to hear it (10) The answer to 23 is eruditely I think. Letters are _i_ _ _r_o_y Can anyone help?
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20a Moneylender is more confident after university? 6 letters U????? 15d Go into once revised piano piece? 8 letters ?S?E?D 21a Is Buddhist priest no good for Asian city? 9 letters?S?A?A?A? 13d...
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15. Route around 8. Not such a daredevil are we!! 39. Stop copying. 42. To weave your way in. 47. Wait on hand and foot.. 50. Mum without a pause. 55. Nearly a fruit that's sharp. Thanks for any...
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I'm still trying to finish issue 23's crossword. Can anyone help please? 8a. Discounted pretensin on way through London? 9 letters 16a Old car can move during sound of folk entertainment? 6 and 7...
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Strippers twentieth position? (6) --c-s- Land piece about one each (6) --i-e-

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