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A met a really cute boy on Friday night, and he asked for my digits, and he said hed call me saturday and he didnt call till tonight. He didnt even say why he called so late. Does that mean he doesnt...
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Mr Slappy
I keep getting little blobs of white "jelly" in the corner of my eyes. What on earth is it?
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Can anyone help? I am a chronic insomniac, 70 yrs old, always had problems sleeping, it`s not old age! I have been taking Nytol [diphenhydamine hydrochloride 25mg] I am sleeping like a baby for the...
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As you get older do you find that you need more sleep? and if you dont get enough sleep do you find it so hard to get up in the morning.. and I mean hard! haha.. Tell me what you think please... One...
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the human heart is on the left side of the body. Is it the "right" side? Why is it on the left side? Oh, and please don't say it's becauseof evolution.
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i wondered if you could share any experiences you have had with them good or bad, also what else could help aliviate depression instead of anti D's
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Hello, I am looking for help about the subject of prescription drugs. I am researching the adverse effects of these medicines and the health problems they present. Also I am seaching to find if/how...
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I was just wondering if any of you people answering science based questions have any sort of qualifications or are you just guessing or looking the answers up on google?
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<PRE>How do we tell the difference between sounds that come from infront or behind us. Surely with only two ears, one on each side of our head we should only be able to say that the sound is...
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right here's the thing, i'm in my early 20's .. got out of a three year relationship about six weeks ago that had been dead in the water for several months so I can't say i've been all that upset.....
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what is the difference between Apositive and A positive plus 1,thanl you
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On journeys I often smile at the funny stickers people put on car windows. (They shouldn't, it obscures the view, but some make thought provoking reading. Here are a few I recall seeing over the...
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Why does your head go forward when you sneeze. I thought the air rushing out would push it backwards??
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Am I the only answerbank person who stays up late?
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I like vodka, and becsuse it clear its no added colourants!!!!
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i missed my period and so went to the doctors a week later. she gave me a pregnancy test which was negative. i then went back a week later for another test. negative again. i dont have any symptoms of...
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Just curious. Whats the worst injury any ABer has gotten? Im just the sort that gets the odd bruise but i know there are people out there who get broken limbs all the time. Whats your worst?
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Can I have a moan here girls? People give me all sorts of advice on how to deal with ladies. Some say play it cool, others say treat them mean to keep them keen, some ladies like to be chased etc. Can...
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was just wondering if any of the ABers on this thread actually work??!!and i mean in paid employment!!i keep an eye on threads the WHOLE time but when i start answering one, i NEVER get any work...
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So is it better to pop blisters and let the scab or just to leave them alone?

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