26d strait of ---- a strait between the mainland of south america and tierra del fuego. The answer should be Magellan but I have m??g?l?n. I can't find it spelled Maggelan anywhere. Is it an error?
4dn Menacing sounds all around (8) I have ?M?A???T is it IMMANENT (inherent, OK, but menacing?) 5dn Restates briefly about means of separation (6) I have ?P?C?? Is it SPACES? (Why?) 7dn State briefly:...
27a Characteristic reaction of a chemical - have got TENDANCY - is this right? 15d Romantic standard have got TORCH ?O?D Thanks in advance for any help
Stuck on the Jumbo now. 24a Charge appropriate for using the gym? (7, 3) K - - - I - G - I - 4d A number needing a drink down south? (6) T - I - P - TRIPLE? Why? 7d Cattle with no water (4) N - A -...
Funny one this. The compiler vseems to have different meanings for words than me. 22 across Quality's more frequently found in domestic appliance (5, 8) Answer is WATERS-OFTENER Beats me why WATER is...