All answers to do with types of trees, woodworking methods, trades and tools 2 promotions (4) 6 self-discipline is down (6) 13 journalist was a witness (7) 18 soft and limp (5) 22 Boris Johnson for...
30 Could this be a novel children having their heads chopped off (3,4,2,3,5)
32 Joseph, sweet in Pescara (3,5)
36 Flaccid Peter (4,4)
Any help gratefully appreciated...
9 Sow badly and you reap one (9) 15 Early morning refresher for politicians (6) 17 Lager runs short and is recycled - don't drink advised (4.7) 22 High flying circus after ringmaster replaces a clown...
34 Expression used when unimpressed (3,4)
98 includes everything from worms to blue whales (3,9,5,3,5)
99 Seaside report with a clever display (3,9,3,4,4)
Any help gratefully appreciated...