Example Meat(4) Sheep (3) Long for (4) =1 word Pork Ewe Pine Porcupine 2) Spirit (3) Jolt (4) Pain (4) = 2 words 8) Lofty (4) Blaze (4) 2 cubed = 1 word 25) Glare at angrily(6) Debts (4)=1 word 30)...
13 The runt of a litter of six and his master who at times can inhabit and share the experiences of this animal. (3,4,3,5) 30 A skilled archer and his swift and noble steed (7,9,3,4) 31 Her notes and...
Monthly quiz all about 'North'. Struggling with the following: 1. Town without a South End (7) 2. The mad(?) King's wife's present home (5,8) 3. They once could fill their boots legally by going up...
Closing date 31 March 2022. Clue: Same Spelling - different meaning. Thanks in advance, as ever. 3. Simply fair (4) 7. Move slowly around wood (6) 8. Abandon if reddish-brown (6) 10. Recoil from small...
32 From her originates the custom of giving gifts to children at Christmas. (8) Thought it might be Victori but not sure. 55 He arrives 2 weeks before Christmas wearing rags, he warnsthe naughty...
11 Has a unique outlook on life that emphasises all that is best in te world (5,3,3) 18 Translated Ruben Saillens Christmas story from French to English (5,3,12,7) 21 His tale is told in Robert'sstory...
47 T L A T H - S M E (3,43,3 10 - (5, 1, 4) 64 T A - P C (3,9 - 5,6) 68 C W - E B W (10,3 - 1,1,5) 72 T V H C - E C (3,4 6 11 -4,5) 95 T C T - G C (3,10,5 - 8,7) 99 T H G - S C ( 3,6 5 -7,7,) Any help...