9 Sow badly and you reap one (9) 15 Early morning refresher for politicians (6) 17 Lager runs short and is recycled - don't drink advised (4.7) 22 High flying circus after ringmaster replaces a clown...
34 Expression used when unimpressed (3,4)
98 includes everything from worms to blue whales (3,9,5,3,5)
99 Seaside report with a clever display (3,9,3,4,4)
Any help gratefully appreciated...
10 Would this now be 'My Bad' (6) 23 Did Europe have their last in 1986 (9) 28 Is this an apprehensive sign (11) 34 Expression used when unimpressed (3,4) 42 Are these parents good protection for us...
17 put on with cereal and an old measurement (3,7)
20 eleven, relative of Freddie perhaps (3,5)
28 Hearts, clubs,diamonds and spades, perhaps (4,4)
Any help gratefully appreciated...
48 Bad king told story (4) 50 Look into how the hot drink was sailing away (7) 58 Hospital gets thanks for part of contract that delivers (5,5) 94 where to go for a roast (6) If anyone doing this I...