I am trying to mend my daughter's laptop. I replaced the hard drive a few weeks ago and it has been working great, until last night that is. Have checked that and all screws are tight. She hasn't...
I noticed you said you had found a pattern to some of the Oddbods songs from musicals. Without giving away any answers (wouldn't like to upset bthbn) Can you hint at the pattern. Thanks as always.
Forgive me but I cannot remember who set the quiz, I only kept a copy of the actual answers. Anyway, it was due in on 26th May. Answers were 100 well known book titles. The first two questions were...
How difficult is it to replace the hard drive on this computer? Mine has totally died !!!! Would like to try and do it myself, I have a bit of computer knowledge. Thanks
How difficult is it to replace the hard drive on this computer? Mine has totally died !!!! Would like to try and do it myself, I have a bit of computer knowledge. Thanks
Songs From Musicals 100 questions, all the answers are titles of songs from musicals ?50 prize. Available from Oddbods Theatre Group 5 Edgell Street Kettering Northants NN16 0TB Cheques made payable...
Does any one know of any web sites where I can find out some information about my very old wooden Maezel Metronomes? Tried googling it but only came up with ones to buy. Thanks
We hear the cat is leaving a trail (9) begins with J or K It danced the Quadrille (7) begins with L or M Flags after the water plant (4,7) begins with R or S Childrens mount from the north (8,4)...
Answer begins with B The Herdsmans favourite Answers all begin with C Make a sale before dinner Cause of congestion on the roads This way you won't have to pay Ears to the ground (Number of letters...
(Number of letters in answers not given.) 22.....Term for of or during the day. Answers are English towns or cities... 26.....Moves garden rubbish 28......A modern ancient monument. Thanks
Has anyone got a definitive answer to No 16 Oops, mind that (8) I have seen pullover suggested but don't know why? and No 49 Shaped structure of steel (9) Again Crinoline, but it seems a very old...
Places in England Clue only please. I like a challenge.... lol 50 in church with me for brief religious education Loud measurement for cleric Gold coloured alloy of Cu and Zn. Change machine later if...