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Has anyone spotted Postie? I have been through thr mag several times and can't see any sign....
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Anyone know where Postie is hiding in Jan 2022 edition? I think this competition is getting well beyond the realms of my eyesight, even with the aid of a magnifying glass!
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Last one... 24 D Don't get mad if leaders empty safes (4) ? i ? s Any thoughts appreciated...
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13 across - is the answer eerie or eyrie please
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1a A plant a guy cut down (6) M - L - - W Mallow? I can see the pant bit but cannot parse the rest...
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Express and Star Cryptic Crossword Sat 31 Jan - 16 D Calf love made him a lawbreaker (5) - O - E - wondered if it is Romeo but cannot parse Any help greatly appreciated...
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24 DOWN: An implement somebody used (4) T - - L - presuming it is tool but can't parse?
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6D Member of the embassy staff who makes the news (5,7) - R - S - A -T - - - E Thought of either Irish Attache which fits with embassy staff but can't parse with making news or press article which...
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Last one, 8 ac Forgetting Love Island (6) - O - A - O - Tobago? but can't parse other than Tobago is an island.......
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Last one - 2D One flower has developed (5) A - O- E ALONE? but can't parse, any assistance greatrly appreciated
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Down to last two: 2 down - Old letter not recovered (4) R - - E 16 Ac - Rash head leaving school (6) - P - - E - Any help greatly appreciated...
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Stuck on last one 3d Tinned ham cut twice as fine (4) T??N Any help much appreciated, I am stumped...

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