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this one is a real stinker, so appreciating your help!!!! 1-Masonry Blocks ?????R 2- Purging of emotion ?A???R?I? 3- Disparage T??DUCE 4- Leopard ??T?E? 5- kerfuffle R?C?I?N 6- subterfuge ?U?E 7-...
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A criminal (10) Ma?e?a?t?r...
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Stuck on top right corner - any help gratefully appreciated 12(d) - Pool (4) -i-- 14(d) - Present as a gift (6) -o---e 15(d) - Snuggle up (6) -e---e I have put 13(d) as gateau (from rich french cake...
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Hi, Any help on these last few will be much appreciated. 11)across(8) it's hard to grasp drunkard(english) in Morecambe. ?E?T???? 15)across (6) memory stick? that's scraping the barrel C?M?O? 3)down...
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Any help with the following clues would be appreciated. Thank you. 11 across- With European cast,some change in play from traditional chinese dress(9)C???????? 18 across- Free sandwiches in ad false?...
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Help please with this one 27ac plant's liable to collapse when duck splits it.(7) L-B---- An answer and an explanation please as I do not understand the clue.
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drake going round the ponds and back(15)??r???n???g?t?? list on vessel outside a harbour(9) cures fish - e.g. crans of herrings(15) a convention constantly applied to the letter(9,5) thanks for any...
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Horizons Puzzles - 28a Nicholas, say, has first half of small ornament(5) ??I?K which intersects with 19d Master and his family would-be titled nobleman (7) L?R???N. Any help would be much...
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Sort of lie you might tell when the mask slips (9) -A-E-A-E-...
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What do you consider to be the best advert ever; Here's mine:
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18a, Priest's before and behindhand (7) ?R???T? 20d, Really fashionable act (6) I???E?...
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Debacle (6) Supporter of King Charles I during the english civil war (8) perfect (4,2) masses, multitudes (6) 15 across (20 & 21 downs successful novel (7,3,4) french city known as the capital of...
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Daily telegraph cryptic 13 Aug 3 down "control on inside (4)" is the answer rein? if so why?...
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Please can anyone help 18 across Mexican sauce ?O?E Also 25 across Specify ???I?E Thanks in advance...
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22a it restricts two cricket sides, bagging one run (3-4) l-g ---n 18d girl's attending operas - here's Britten character (7) h-r-i-g 23d indian dish: recipe articles will include it (5) --i-a Thank...
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Clue;- Characterised by fluency in a manner of speaking E - C - - - N - Clue;- It is used unspectacularly for seeing - - E - A - E - - Y - Clue:-Up to date manoeuvre about to start violent action...
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Everybody in disorganised side moves idly (7) d?????s. One who shoots the man at the wheel (6)???t??.
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23a, With this there's no clear way to trade stuff (7,3) ??A???C / ??? 25a, Tale cleric recounted using a certain energy (10) ???????C??...
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Clue is Annie gets to mature. Answer is a building and starts with either O or P thanks for any help Sue...
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C H O E O S S N Thanks...

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