4. neat and tidy (5) 6. it sounds like it interferes with you (6) 7. any mother mixed up with a pig (8) 9. does this one sting you (6,4) 10. half a laugh followed by a splinter (7) 11. spanish shout...
Polymath 542 20 down French writer (4.5) E-I-/E-O-E ? FT 13312. 8d Do without moving metal (4.4) _A_T/_R_N. ? Fast iron fits the clue but never heard of it - Cast iron, yes. Any help gratefully...
(2d) Watching some jockey in Grand National. (5) E _ _ N _ . (8d) Stores grasses perhaps. (5) _ H _ _ S. (11a) Haggard looking over South African gold field may be relative. (9) _ _ A _ _ A _ N T....
14across Plunder box with old daily feature (5.7) S???? ?A?T?O? 2down suit ruined in extra dampness (8) M?I????? 12 across The French can produce language (5) L???N Really got stuck in this corner...
Can anyone help please really struggling with the above, due to lack of sleep and worries about someone in hospital, doing this to keep my mind alert and now its driving me mad 5a A formal work on a...
14) Type of edible nut (6)
25) Egyptian town where a linguistically famous basalt slab was discovered in 1799 (7)
1) Desired, envied (7)
Much obliged....
32 Melting clocks inspiration (9)
33 Defrosts of hummus (7,9) Have seen this as an anagram, can't make anything.
43 Little bits(5,5)
Any help gratefully appreciated...
Probably being very "thick" re finding my last 2 answers. 39d Site of Temple of Zeus in Peloponnese N???A Have read lots about where it is but nowhere seems to mention it starting with...
25 a) egyptian town where a linguistically famous basalt slab was discovered in 1799 (7) - o - e - t -
last one and my little grey cells failing me -- help appreciated, thanks...