26a prophet is one to give you comfort externally,for example (10)s?o???a?e?
21d a chain is a measure of length (5)p?r??
20a one with tape certain to be in slanderous story Sun put out (8)?e?s?r?r...
7d nasty meal, assuming cod being cooked (9) d???o?i?h
21a around leg,primarily,one has e le support (7) ??l???r
18d shot,like ver famous artist (7) p???s?i...
3d recently auctioned painting features our dairy product (4.5) s?a?c?e?m
22d condiment well spoken of (5) ??u??
23a one resting Python star gets runs (5) i?l?r...
9a pope not intending to cause offence? (8) ?n???e??
12d feathery seeds were first introduced in the City here (11) t?i?t???o?n
15d typically too old to cover new area (2.7) o?a???a?e...
11a drying floor the wrong way leads to a lecture(11)e?a?o?a?i?n 17a 91parts sound about right for removal (8) e?c?s?o? 15a a nameless revolutionary turning subversive (8) ?g?t?t?r (thought it might...
20a od put on last scrap fnewspaper-a substitute for china (3.7) t???e???c?? 25a is roman Emperor following right Italian course?(7)r???t?? 18d shankar takes pressed oil for a dish in the tratoria (7)...
4d fine having been issued, fast rep in deep trouble- from this?(5.4)S?E???R?P
12a firm put off by colliery depth (10) ????r?i?e?
13d crowds run in skimpy underwear(7)??r?n?s...
13d champions $1000 in debt-- he`s furious! (4.6) ?e?s?e???d 24a catch adult in love(4) n??? 22a horse mostly eating grass,perfect runner (10) ?a?a?h?n?r (can only make marathoner out of these...