Leading on from my previous question. Are there any cover versions that you think are better than the original? And which bad ones really grate on you?
does anyone know the song from the new autotrader advert? its a woman singing, and theres a music part first and then it goes 'you were made for me...' i cant find the damn thing anywhere! help would...
in the add a man races down a hillside as quick as he can to stop a vauxhal car, he lands in front of it then walks around to the drivers side and said nice car mate. can you tell me this guys name?
I expect somebody's already asked this - but how on earth did they remake the Singing in the Rain clip (can't remember what make of car it was for) just thought it was fab! I just don't...
after watching wee Gordon on MOTD2 last night I got thinking.....who is YOUR manager of the season? Any division/league you fancy! Strachan picked David Moyes and in our house,...
There should be a separate answerbank section for football only, so all the chavs can have their own conversations while proper sports are debated on here.
I remember when cassette players were first installed in cars - the warning was that all the bad things that can hapen to tape - magnetism, dust, scratching, heat, are all magnified in a car stero...
I have just recently gone on pay monthly with vodafone and do not know how to get my balance,so does anyone know how to tell how much text and minutes allowance i have left........
On the new sky multiroom advert, Dad's watching rubgy downstairs whilst playing with his daughter and Mum's upstairs with the son exercising and watching MTV....who is the band / dancing ladies ????