1 certainly not the youngest. 2 the birds expletive 3 normally will bring a smile 4 normal greeting for this young lady 5 a coil of glamour Thanks for any help.
Last ditch attempt at this one ... must go tomorrow ! Answer will be an island in the North Atlantic I have absolutely no idea, wondering if I am staring at an anagram ? I want to put Bahamas but...
All done except the last four. Help please. 4ac Though sick at heart, he is otherwise painstaking (8) - c - i - - - - 7d It's only a rumour, we're told (5,4) - - i - g / - - - e 8d A note in safe...
ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A 5TH GRADER? There are 7 girls on a bus Each girl has 7 backpacks In each backpack, there are 7 big cats for every big cat there are 7 little cats Question: How many legs are...
Any help with these 2 clues would be much appreciated.Thank you. 5 down- Dressed for dinner(9) ???????ED 13 across- Shorten to " Bamboozle the lamebrains" (8) C???E???
I have been trying to get access to the site. I was registered last year, but since the new year I have been unable to get access using my username and password. Can anyone tell me please why that is?