last few 5d approach politicians collection ???e?t???
16a odd that small business has rare outing ?i?a???
4d begin dining, have aromatic lentil dish ???l
8a change working hours...
purchased an air plant in cornwall 4 years ago and dunk it in water very week and I noticed 2 purple stalks this morning it is flowering is this unusual
5d in animal behavior the process of feigning death to evade predators
11a west indian plant which yields easily deigested starch ?????r???...
7a noisily nip to bay ?i?i? 11a genuine old governor embraced one boy l?g?????t? 4d 337 r ealise whats happening at the tate?e???e?i????? 18a looking up tv programme ?d?s?y???i??? 14d bribe loveless...