4d imagine chalk polluting body of water
22a lower name and number
17d worrying long snake around european city -o-o-n-
15a dont worry about diamonds being seen...
has anyone out there got this game? i am at buckingham Palace having completed all the puzzles to get there I am in a room with a table and holmes is stating ' Here Watson We can create some kind of...
got to the buckingham palace scenario and am stuck there here Watson we can create some kind of dog calling device what do I do to get out of this help
22a loud confused noises as of a crowd; commotion --m-l-s 31a having a related or similar position structure etc ---o-o-o-- 22d in architecture an ornament of three arcs set in a circle b-o---n...
22a vatican edict with 50 points b-l- 14d job used to be upset by this dummy -o-f----- 20a crimes go on wrecking efficiency study -----o---s 17a demanded medical treatment 21d when top came off bag...
9d deprived of light, person exuded insatability -a-e-e------
18a basin supply to leave racecourse --n-w-----c-
3d weakness for the italiens town outerwear -r-i-t-...
last two 20 a term for spinach in asian cookery s-g
28d water spirit of european folklore said to be granted a soul and mortality by bearing a child by a human male -n-i-e...