1d mystical doctrine of those people who keep breaking hoops?h?o?????
2d travel series packed theatre area ?u?l??????
22a rod needs drink to acccept kiss a?l?...
last few 6d list nine round other end ?n?e?
16a stockings sire can twist in boat ?o?i???
14d pats village about to close in bad weather ???e???l?
22a Handle one outer join y?e???...
4d admirable warhorse, pity its injured ?a?i?????t??
12a points to identical way to see elmos programme 66 ???a?e ?t????
13d doctor following sewers cover is fair game ????b?????...
13d a label attached one held by father for south american region ?a?r?o?i/ 14d hats off to graduate with apasm and breathing difficulties ?s?t?a?i? 6d replace one captured practitioner ?u?p?i?n? 19d...
Just a few left ....
23a country to hear the cost, wow! (4) ?i?i
(is it "fiji" - and if so, why?)
20d new external type of stable sound (5) ?n?r?
Many thanks, Chox....
Back button problem-just come onto computer and have noticed that several others having trouble - has Ed managed to fix it yet for others?I cant use mine in WINDOWS XP AND mOZILLA fIREFOX
14a grinding instruments transported to mars (red Planet) 6 3 6 ?e???e???m?r?a?
3 d The end of education ?????????s?h?o?
8a country where iguana writhes around round vehicle???a???u?...