please can anyone help this is last one
38a part of a sonata, fugue etc in which principal themes are first presented
10letters ?x?o??t??n will be grateful for help...
Page 3 : I got the answer to be Avenue, but the word Boomed did not fit correctly. Do anyone else find this? Page 16: I have fitted the words into the grid and the letters reading down are MAABAEAMCNC...
22a vatican edict with 50 points b-l- 14d job used to be upset by this dummy -o-f----- 20a crimes go on wrecking efficiency study -----o---s 17a demanded medical treatment 21d when top came off bag...
9d deprived of light, person exuded insatability -a-e-e------
18a basin supply to leave racecourse --n-w-----c-
3d weakness for the italiens town outerwear -r-i-t-...
stuck on last 3 please help
two words both beginning with D
The place for a testing ordeal
Arch enemies
eligible bachelor onced prized by society ladies....
last two 20 a term for spinach in asian cookery s-g
28d water spirit of european folklore said to be granted a soul and mortality by bearing a child by a human male -n-i-e...