Finished this puzzle but don't understand the parsing of one of the clues. 19A Eastern Cape city is location of Walford, it seems (4,6) EAST LONDON. I already checked the fifteensquared website... ...
Stuck in SE corner. One of the theme ones. 32/28 *Two lies cadet contrived (3,2,2,4). I?E?E?A?I?E. ILE DE LA something. Can't be an anagram. Of Two lies cadet. How does it work?
13A Help for official in left-leaning party, mostly (1,1,1) V?R 1D American brings up timeless, revolutionary writer (6). Looks like ASIMOV. Can't parse it.
Good puzzle, though not too difficult this week. Finished quickly with all but 38A filled in. 38A Backing independent expert in Ukrainian City (6) D?I?R?
Finished this lovely puzzle but can't work out wordplay for 36A. Maxim gun discharged over Middle East (4). GNOME (maxim). G(u)N+O+ME. Does OVER = O? I don't see that in my ref. books.